All kind of LED strips are at Ledux Lumière! Well… let’s say ”A lot of them”
Discover the almost world famous Ledux LED Strip Collection
The already famous Amber LED strips; PURAMBER & GOLDAMBER, available in 10w/m and 20w/m
The delicious Havana in 2100K, also available in 10w/m and 20w/m CRI++
The very cozy Vulcain 1800K LED strip
The ULTRA high efficiency range and the ABSOLUTE with very high CRI series
The very slender and very elegant nano NANO ribbon which is only 4mm wide
The brilliant MOONRAKER range of high power RGBW LED strips
The COB series available in 10ML roll and FreeCUT
The very wide Outdoor range, available in a large choice of colors and lengths
With more than 120 references of LED strips available, LeDux Lumière always at the service of creativity, the possibilities are endless
Discover our entire 2024-2025 collection below in this very long and very boring table
Welcome to LeDux Lumière , choice, passion and creativity.
Click&Check out our newest catalogue for more infos
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Notre TRES large gamme de contrôleurs, télécommandes et convertisseurs pour RUBANS LED
ABSOLUTE 98, rubans LED avec IRC98 très haut indice de rendu des couleurs
Gamme VULCAIN rubans LED 1800K une ambiance de soirée au coin du feu, découvrez le blanc très chaud